Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Symptoms And Treatment Of Cancer Diseases Essay - 2194 Words

Essay contents The spontaneously exposure of a stable cellular to the external or intrinsic factors in body arises the cellular continually changes, called biomarkers (e.g. Cellular, molecular changes) , in a form of mutation where DNA sequence is modified or deleted or disrupted due to the presence of what is called a carcinogens (IARC, 2006; Li et al , 2014). This presence of physical, or biological, or chemical agents in cells, leads to neoplasm transformation of affected cell (Devi , 1982). The results of cell aberration or deviation of normal new cell growth or functionality lead to the permanent DNA disruption and accumulation effect of these cell abnormalities causes the cancer or tumor in affected cell (Zingg Jones , 1997). The carcinogens as the agents with an ability to cause cancer, has the potent to lead to different types of cancer diseases (e.g. breast cancer, central system cancer, skin cancer, colon and rectal cancer, etc.) (NCI, 1975-2000; IARC, 2006), it is due to chronic exposur e to toxin via food chain or medical utilization and with ability to damage the cells (Robert, 2012). The carcinogens as the mixture chemicals initiate and cause different of cancer diseases to a variety biological organism. The carcinogens are the xenobiotic introduced in the biological organ from different sources such as biological, chemical and physical sources, for example drugs, drug metabolites, environmental pollutants interact with DNA and change the normal cell growth inShow MoreRelatedThe Bare Bones Of Cancer1082 Words   |  5 PagesBare Bones of Cancer A silent killer of today is cancer; there are many different forms of cancer. 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