Thursday, September 3, 2020

A Thematic Analysis in Support of the Theory That Early Relationships Affect Adult Attachment Essay

This investigation was a subjective topical examination to check whether there was any proof in early connections that at that point influences the grown-up connection hypothesis. The subjective printed examination was done on a prior, altered, recorded semi-organized meeting. The topical investigation demonstrated that there is a trace of validity in the grown-up connection hypothesis however educational encounters and conditions likewise affect the person. Moreover connections can have a significant impact in our lives with some proof indicating that Bowlby’s hypothesis has some legitimacy, (as refered to in Cooper and Roth 2007, p37). Presentation A topical investigation is verifiably a training in subjective examination, which includes looking through information to distinguish examples and subjects. A subject is connected to classes, passing on comparable implications. This well known procedure can be improved by the examiner lacking past information on the examination theme, so they are not guided by any biases. Besides, the investigator doesn't need to be a specialist in the examination point. In any case, so as to start examination a specialist must have probably some comprehension to manage the savvy forms. There is no basic qualification among subjective and quantitative strategies. Since examiners move to and fro between new ideas and the information, all exploration includes procedures of enlistment and reasoning, particularly topical examination whereby acceptance makes subjects and conclusion checks them. Topical investigation is likewise part of regular day to day existence and so as to keep up a feeling of the wor ld, we continually mastermind approaching data, into subjects with the utilization of our current encounters. (as refered to in Cooper and Roth 2007, p21). A focal issue in formative brain science is whether our encounters during youth somehow or another shape the examples of our later grown-up connections. John Bowlby, who was a key figure, in the advancement of the connection hypothesis, started his work on this hypothesis in the 1940’s,.Children have a drive to have a sense of safety by framing an enthusiastic bond with an essential supplier (as refered to in Cooper and Roth 2007, p28). Implying that Bowlby’s thought, was that kids create, secure connections, which are significant in later life. Moreover, Bowlby drew the thoughts of basic and delicate periods being developed, accepting that the foundation of a sound inner working model is fundamental for future connections, social conduct and emotional wellness, (as refered to in Cooper and Roth 2007, p28). Charles Darwin, was one of the primary significant impacts on improvement and proposes that changes happen in individuals and their conduct since they serve another and versatile capacity, with the possibility that the connection hypothesis is useful on the grounds that the bound among carer and kid should be solid so the kid turns out to be socially sure, ( as refered to in Cooper and Roth, 2007, p51). Also, Mary Ainsworth went through numerous years working with Bowlby at a center in London, where she based upon his thoughts. She for the most part explored the impacts of maternal hardship. The outcomes from this exploration persuaded that he had discovered the fundamental explanation behind adolescent wrongdoing, with the need or non-existent mothering. 1954 Ainsworth went to Africa and pushed the connection hypothesis ahead through her perceptions of 28 moms and the off spring in Uganda. Having stayed in contact with Bowlby she announced that she had distinguished three distinct sorts of connection, with a test called â€Å" the unusual situation† which was done in a perception research center with camcorders recording the conduct of moms and their babies demonstrating a succession of divisions and reunions including a kid the mother and an outsider. The principal type connection, type A, (shaky,, restless avoidant), where the connection has a grieved connection to the guardian. Regularly dismissing, from the guardian, in the wake of being brought together, after a partition. Type B, (secure), where the picture of the parental figure is viewed as a protected base indicating delight at the get-together, with in conclusion Type C,(insecure, on edge, irresolute), where the connection is probably going to show trouble recommending that the guardians nearness is significant ( as refered to in Cooper and Roth, 2007, p31). Judith Rich Harris (1999) In the Nurture Assumption contends that guardians don't really impact their youngsters, which have been accepted, yet that it is peer bunches that are a significant impact in how kids grow up. Anyway there have been numerous speculations that recommends that vertical connections during adolescence likewise have a similarly huge effect on how we create, (as refered to in Cooper and Roth, 2007, p31). There is some help for parts of the hypothesis, presently observing that newborn child connection is identified with grown-up connection in specific conditions, (as refered to in Cooper and Roth, 2007, p35). Moreover connections can have a significant impact in our lives with some proof demonstrating that Bowlby’s hypothesis has some legitimacy. Life occasions however are likewise regarded to be significant, as found in another examination (Hamilton, 1994) with the outcomes indicating that youngsters where their family conditions were steady got secure and the ones that had encountered significant changes in their family conditions got unreliable, (as refered to in Cooper and Roth, 2007, p34). Subsequently this topical examination will review.(Exploring Psychology DVD), and backing of Bowlby’s thought that early connections influence grown-up connection Strategy The scientist, a brain research understudy at The Open University broke down existing material (semi organized meeting) containing a DVD and transcript provided by the Open University, with each line numbered in successive request from the earliest starting point as far as possible (supplement 1). The strategy was chosen since it empowered the scientist to investigate reality from the participant’s meet. The member (Chloe a multi year old scholarly who is presently retraining to be an advisor, was hitched and separated in her twenties and she and her present accomplice intend to wed for the current year. She has no youngsters) was given by The Open University, which picked up assent from the member to utilize the meeting material with the end goal of the examination. The member was appropriately informed and questioned and offered the option to pull back from the exploration whenever with the examination either sent back to the member or annihilated. The member was met by a woman therapist of a comparable age, in the participant’s home. With one effective meeting and a call clarifying what the examination was about and the center being early connections and how they sort of formed us and how they shape associations with individuals once we are grown-ups. Pressure, marking and account organizing procedures were utilized in a topical investigation of the meeting with Chloe-alluding to the DVD and transcript. Giving three topics that I distinguished the first being Caring, the second being frustration and finally shaky. Investigation In evaluating the transcript, while additionally assessing the inquiry, on the side of Bowlby’s thought that early connections influence grown-up connection? Three subjects were recognized that can likewise identify with the above inquiry. Mindful/child rearing, disillusionment, and uncertain.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Public relation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Open connection - Essay Example ns having justly situated societies and governments; rather, it could be contended that the noteworthy partiality among vote based system and free enterprise cultivates the more prominent utilization of advertising practice in industrialist financial frameworks while one could present the end product suggestion that even act of advertising unavoidably will urge nondemocratic countries to turn out to be more democratic’. The intensity of advertising to impact the assessment of people in general even in serious issues like the political arrangement of a specific state can be some of the time a danger for the market particularly in situations where the focused on feeling has been defined and forced after an extreme weight from the gathering that will increase huge benefit both straightforwardly or in a roundabout way. In any case, much of the time advertising can prompt positive results. Therefore, Levy (2002, 34) expressed that ‘PR power utilized early can not just diminish the outcomes of human blunder and delicacy yet in addition help make positives - more business, a superior administrative atmosphere and improved remaining with the media - by means of broad communications inclusion on social assistance exercises; PR can make publicizing claims increasingly sound, and give the cases more effect, since when the broad communications tell scores of millions that something is in this way, the advertisements that follow are progressively trusted as well as more interesting’. For instance to the above presumptions, the instance of Wal †Mart is introduced by the above analyst with an end goal to help the validity of his announcements. All the more explicitly, the examination made in the region has uncovered the presence of a situation where advertising prompted an expansion of the e xhibition of the organization in question. As Levy discovered ‘Wal-Mart has expanded its deals of secondary school class rings - at 2,800 stores and on the web - by including how to purchase data in news discharges; the tales cause potential clients to feel progressively great about purchasing (Levy, 2002, 34). From a comparative perspective it has been

Friday, August 21, 2020

Service Quality in ICBC

Administration Quality in ICBC Unique The improvement of PC innovation and data arrange innovation has carried gigantic difficulties to money related administrations associations. Web based banking, which offers budgetary types of assistance to clients by means of Internet, assumes an inexorably significant job and still has colossal potential for improvement. Simultaneously, the worldwide and neighborhood rivalry between money related organizations has gotten increasingly extreme. In this manner, as the greatest business bank in China, it is significant for the supervisors of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) to construct a drawn out client relationship. This task has five targets to accomplish: The main goal is to test whether there is a contrast between client expected and saw administration quality in ICBC web based financial administrations. Furthermore, the investigation means to inspect the connection between client saw administration quality and consumer loyalty in ICBC internet banking administrations. The third goal is to analyze the connection between client saw administration quality and client dedication in ICBC internet banking administrations. The fourth target is to analyze the connection between consumer loyalty and client steadfastness in the internet banking administrations of ICBC, examine the present circumstance and give a few assessments. At last, discover how the managing client grumbling in ICBC client support division impacts client faithfulness. In view of the goals, after chooses the sort of examination and research approach, five sets of theories are planned to test the connection between factors. The aftereffects of this examination demonstrate that there are high positive connection between client saw administration quality, consumer loyalty and unwaveringness. There is likewise a medium positive connection between handle client grievance and client steadfastness. As indicated by these, the ICBC internet banking must set up a drawn out procedure to improve the apparent help quality, fulfilling their client, taking care of client objection quickly so as to accomplish increasingly faithful clients. Announcement of Originality I announce that this postulation entitled â€Å"Examining the Service Quality, Customer fulfillment and Loyalty in Online Banking Services of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China† has been made without anyone else and has not been introduced or acknowledged in any past application for a degree. The work, of which this is a record, has been done without anyone else except if in any case expressed and where the work is mine, it reflects individual perspectives and qualities. The sum total of what citations have been recognized by quotes and all wellsprings of data have been recognized by methods for references including those of the Internet. Section 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview In the previous twenty years, the pace of progress in monetary administrations part has been sensational. The improvement of PC innovation and data arrange innovation has presented another virtual economy dependent on the Internet. As the Internet gives new correspondence channels to banking industry, the quantity of web based financial sites expanded quickly (Aladwani, 2001). Web based banking, a significant piece of the Internet economy, assumes an inexorably significant job and still has gigantic potential for advancement. Mols (2000) showed that the presentation and customers’ reception of internet banking will get a monstrous change the connection between retailing banks and clients. Simultaneously, the worldwide and neighborhood rivalry between budgetary foundations has gotten increasingly extreme. Thus, fabricating long haul client connections turns out to be always significant as a piece of money related institutions’ technique. Step by step instructions to fulfill clients and addition client reliability has gotten probably the best mean of getting upper hand. Since China’s increase to the WTO, numerous remote banks have started to work together in China. They not just brought propelled the board techniques and business reasoning, yet in addition made the money related market in China increasingly serious. As an outcome of this opposition, China’s business banks lost countless top of the line clients in a brief timeframe. Confronted with the loss of clients and the future pattern of the development of benefit changing from stores and credits to mediator business, China’s business banks started to perceive the significance of improving consumer loyalty and steadfastness and increased their determination to rival their remote partners ( Because of the undeniably serious promoting condition, endeavors must be client arranged (Kotler, 1997). With in regards to banking industry, the administration quality is considered as the most significant serious weapon (Staford, 1996). Along these lines, how to improve administration quality and fulfill client become a significant advertising system in banking industry. Administration quality has been numerous researchers’ enthusiasm for ongoing years by the impellent of Parasuraman et al. (1985). There have been numerous inquires about recognized the key elements sway on the administration nature of conventional banks (Jun and Cai, 2001). Be that as it may, there are not many examinations on the client saw administration nature of web based financial administrations (Broderick and Vachirapornpuk, 2002). Client devotion even got less consideration than administration quality and consumer loyalty (Caruana, 2000). The ideas of administration quality, consumer loyalty and faithfulness are connected together (Caruana, 2000). As outlined via Caruana (2000:611), â€Å"service quality as a precursor build and administration reliability as a result variable of client satisfaction†. Along these lines, it is significant for banks to know the present execution of their administrations and comprehend the connection between administration quality, consumer loyalty and faithfulness. In Fecikova’s (2004:57) words: â€Å"Customer fulfillment has become a significant issue for business and open assistance organisations.† The norms to pass judgment on a company’s win or lose depend on what number of clients they can keep. Along these lines, how to fulfill clients and keep up faithful clients have become significant showcasing systems of Chinese internet banking industry. Notwithstanding, regardless of how well the administrations are planned and conveyed, mix-ups will occur. Most of clients will partake in private informal exercises in regards to their wasteful exercises (Day and Landon, 1977). The valence of these verbal exercises might be negative, unbiased, or positive. When there is a distinction between client desire and the genuine presentation of items or administrations, the negative sentiments will bring about grievance conduct. In this manner, how to deal with client objections, reestablish the certainty of clients and decrease the loss of clients has likewise been a significant errand to organizations in the administrations procedure. 1.2 Research Objectives There are some promoting and monetary written works on the administrations and client relationship of conventional banks, yet barely any inquires about are done on the administrations quality and client faithfulness of internet banking. This investigation presents an examination of the administration quality, consumer loyalty and reliability of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), centers around the connection between administrations quality and consumer loyalty and dedication, and how handle client grievance impact client unwaveringness. This venture has five goals to accomplish: The main goal is to test whether there is a contrast between client expected and saw administration quality in ICBC web based financial administrations. Furthermore, the examination expects to look at the connection between client saw administration quality and consumer loyalty in ICBC internet banking administrations. The third goal is to look at the connection between client saw administration quality and client devotion in ICBC web based financial administrations. The fourth target is to look at the connection between consumer loyalty and client devotion in the web based financial administrations of ICBC, examine the present circumstance and give a few assessments. At long last, this examination plans to discover how the managing client protest in ICBC client support office impacts client devotion of ICBC web based banking. 1.3 Structure of Project This task is partitioned into five sections. Section 1 is the diagram and presentation of the examination. In Chapter 2, the essayist presents the turn of events and history of internet banking administrations and its improvement in ICBC. From that point onward, the author surveys the pertinent speculations of administration quality, consumer loyalty and reliability, and client grievance, clarifies how they were estimated and the connection between them, which are predominantly founded on past discoveries. Utilizing these speculations, Chapter 3 represents the examination questions and strategy of this exploration, the structure of poll was additionally presented in this segment. Section 4 clarifies the discoveries of this exploration, talking about the present circumstance of ICBC web based financial administrations, looking at the connections between these factors and give a few proposals. In the last Chapter, the essayist sums up the examination, talks about the discoveries and presents various constraints of this investigation. This area additionally contains suppositions and proposals on building up the internet banking later on. Part 2 Review of the Literature 2.1 Introduction This section initially presents the review of Chinese internet banking administrations and the advancement of ICBC web based banking. Furthermore, the author explained what the administration quality, consumer loyalty, client steadfastness and client grumbling have been shrouded in the past examination, demonstrates which elements would influence them and what sort of strategies were utilized to quantify them. In this part, the qualities of online administrations and client

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Notre Dame Mendoza Student Interview

I was a total Type-A hiding out in the world of fine arts. Here’s a talk with Notre Dame Mendoza student, Jessica Bonanno, a second-year student with lots of advice to share about life at Mendoza – competitions, courses, and culture. Of particular interest to ND applicants will be Jessica’s application tips and her definition of the ideal Mendoza student. Thank you Jessica and best of luck to you! This interview is the latest in an blog series featuring interviews with current MBA students, offering readers a behind-the-scenes look at top MBA programs. We hope to offer you a candid picture of student life, and what you should consider as you prepare your MBA application. Accepted: Wed like to get to know you! Where are you from? Where and what did you study as an undergraduate? Whats your favorite non-school book? Jessica: I grew up in Central Florida and got my degree from a small liberal arts school called Rollins College, where I studied classical piano and music education. During my senior year, I started a small music program for kids which became very successful in its mission and was my full time job for about eleven years, until I decided to apply to b-schools. Accepted: Can you talk more about your involvement with music? Is there a connection between your work as a musician and an educator and your MBA? Jessica: I always think it’s funny when folks ask me how I went from music to business because it’s much more typical, indeed clichà ©d, for folks working in the corporate world to feel mismatched and dream of being an artist or a musician. But I am the opposite: I was a total Type-A hiding out in the world of fine arts. Yes, I majored in music and went on to found an after-school music program. Yes, I ran a non-profit trade association for music teachers and I even managed a rock band. But, all along, I knew deep down that I wasnt truly a musician on the inside. Music was just something I knew, which became a conduit for me to serve others and express my creativity. The reason my initiatives succeeded was less about my musical knowledge and much more about my entrepreneurial nature and inclination toward designing efficient systems to support innovative ideas or worthy missions. It took me many years to realize this but, when I finally did, I knew getting an MBA would help me take my natural organizational development talent to the next level and give me some hard skills to back up my leadership ability. Accepted: Why did you choose Notre Dame Mendoza? How would you say youre a good fit with the program? Jessica: Notre Dame was the very first program I ever looked at, after deciding to apply to business school. Coming from mission-driven organizations, I had a lot of apprehension about applying to business school. I knew my interest in social enterprise would not be the norm in any b-school but, at a minimum, I wanted to find a program that supported a critical examination of the role of business in society and promoted discussions about the intersection of business and ethics. Notre Dame was that program. This doesnt mean that everyone here is interested in social business, like me. To the contrary – only about a fifth of my class plans to pursue this type of a career. But even if everyone isnt interested in an expressly social career, nearly everyone in the program is interested in expressing their own personal values in their career choices. And though this means different things for different people and we sometimes disagree among ourselves, youll never find anyone here who would argue that it’s ok to succeed in business at the expense of others. I expected to find an overemphasis on profit at any cost at b-school but, instead I have found that nearly every MBA topic at ND is examined through an ethical lens. The curriculum is refreshingly holistic. Accepted: What have been some of your favorite classes so far at ND? Jessica: I set two personal goals for my MBA experience: First, I wanted to become really, really knowledgeable and skilled in the areas that I already knew something about, such as organizational leadership and social business. Second, I wanted to learn a brand new area that I knew absolutely nothing about, so I selected finance and investments. On the social side, Ive been privileged to take courses like Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries, which is coordinated through our Gigot Center for Entrepreneurship (a fantastic resource for aspiring entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs alike). This spring, Ill be participating in one of our programs signature courses called Business on the Frontlines, in which students work as real-world consultants for businesses in post-conflict regions or developing economies. My team will be traveling to Guatemala to work with an agricultural cooperative. On the finance side, Ive been able to study topics like MA and International Finance under expert practitioners and, this spring, am looking forward to participating in the elite Applied Investment Management (AIM) program, in which my team and I will be responsible for managing a portion of our schools endowment. Other highlights of my time at Mendoza include studying for 8 weeks in Santiago, Chile, writing an original case study (pending publication) for the Fanning Center for Business Communications, and competing for thousands of dollars in start-up capital in the McKloskey Business Plan competition. But none of this compares to the sense of community. The people are what make Notre Dame special. Heres a blog post I wrote about what it’s like to be a student in such a close-knit and amazing community. Accepted: Can you tell us about your competition experience – both with the ND Deloitte Interterm Case Competition and the BYU Social Innovation Case Competition? Jessica: Youve probably heard that case competitions are considered the varsity sport of b-school. Theyre a chance to consolidate the sum of your professional experience and business training to solve a real business problem in a short time, while competing against other very talented people to create the best solution. Ive had the pleasure of competing in three case comps and theyve been some of the most fun Ive had during my MBA. Most case comps are time constrained, requiring a full solution to a challenging case in under 5 days. The process is extremely intense and involves a lot of all-nighters and last-minute preparation, which can stress out a team that doesnt have a commitment to humility, cooperation and kindness. But the amount that can be accomplished in this time is astounding, when you have a group of diverse, brilliant students with a do-or-die work ethic and an attitude of good sportsmanship, the signature trait of a Notre Dame MBA. My teams took first place in two of the three case comps Ive participated in, which made the fun of competition all the more rewarding. The Deloitte Interterm Case Competition is actually a part of the first-year curriculum – all students participate and we compete among other Notre Dame MBAs. The BYU Social Innovation Case Comp is an annual competition sponsored by BYUs Ballard Center for Economic Self-Reliance. Notre Dame actually sponsored our team and flew us out to Utah, where we had the privilege of meeting some amazing MBAs from other schools. As part of the festivities, we even got to participate in an all-day TED-X event. Accepted: What has your involvement with the Forte Foundation been like? Would you recommend the program to other b-school-bound women? Jessica: Im very supportive of Fortes mission to bring more women into business leadership. However, the companies that they work with, many of which are large banks, arent necessarily a match for my own interests so I havent become too involved with the foundation. Regardless, I think theyve created an amazing resource for women who are seeking more traditional business careers, which is a positive thing for women as well as for society, in general. Research shows that women business leaders tend to take less unnecessary risks and are much more concerned with the role of business in societyAnd the world needs more of that. Accepted: Where do you see yourself in five years from now? Jessica: My professional interests include a variety of social business topics including cooperatives, social enterprise, and impact investing. But Im seeking a career in the socially responsible investment space because my background in non-profit and education taught me that thats where the greatest need is. There are plenty of brilliant people with brilliant ideas in the social space but there is a shortage of socially-oriented professionals who understand how to raise capital, create sustainable revenue models, or maximize a shoestring budget. Thats the value I hope to provide, perhaps as the manager of an impact fund. Accepted: What are your three top tips for ND Mendoza applicants? Jessica:   1. In my observations, Notre Dame is looking for mature, honest candidates who have a record of accomplishment, a strong work ethic, and a balanced lifestyle. This community encourages excellence not only in academics and professional background, but also excellence of body, mind, spirit, and citizenship. Make sure that your essays and interview answers reflect the things about you that demonstrate this. Talk about your accomplishments and your values. Talk about your ambition and your family or community. Most importantly, dont act entitled. Humility is the hallmark of the type of servant-leader that Notre Dame is looking for. 2. Notre Dame wants you to want them. Our program has chosen to remain small to preserve the type of close-knit community that makes us unique. For that reason, admissions officers will be impressed by candidates who can clearly articulate why they think they are a match for ND. So, find out by reaching out to current students or scheduling a campus visit. Most people dont truly understand and cant explain what makes Notre Dame so special until theyve been there or interacted with the people. Once they have, they can craft a much more convincing argument for why they belong at ND. 3. Take advantage of all application rounds. Unlike some top schools, who fill most of their class in rounds one and two and have few seats left open in spring, Notre Dame admits a good number of candidates in every round. So, if it’s late in the year and youre trying to decide whether to apply or wait for fall, go ahead and do it! As long as you have a strong application, your chances will still be good even late in the year. Accepted: Last but not least, who would you say is the ideal ND student? Jessica: I would suggest that Notre Dames MBA program is a good fit for anyone who has good qualifications but who is also interested in: †¢Ã‚  a traditional business career (finance, consulting, etc) but who wishes to express either personal or religious values in their career; or †¢Ã‚  social enterprise or an impact career; or †¢Ã‚  entrepreneurship generally; or †¢Ã‚  the emerging field of business analytics (we just developed a concentration in this field); or †¢Ã‚  Business Communications (our Fanning Center for Communications is very well-known). ND is also very military friendly and is good for anyone who is married or has a family (the grad school is extremely supportive of young families and couples and has many resources, activities, and housing options available). For one-on-one guidance on your b-school application, please see our MBA Application Packages. For specific advice on how to create the best application for Notre Dame Mendoza, see Notre Dame Mendoza 2014 MBA Application Questions, Deadlines, Tips. ~ Helping You Write Your Best

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Problem Of Air Pollution - 1142 Words

1.0 Introduction It is believed that the problem of air pollution began with the industrial revolution (circa 1750 -1850) which brought with it the increased burning of coal that fueled the engines upon which the wheels of the industrial revolution were being propelled. Air pollution issues have dominated international discourse in the last couple of decades as a result of its adverse effects on the climate system. But most important is the damaging effects that some of these pollutants in the ambient air have in the human body as there have been overwhelming evidence linking poor air quality with respiratory diseases, heart diseases and cancer (WHO, 2013a 2013b). Because†¦show more content†¦This includes a variety of small, portable and low cost devices designed and developed by private people, university research laboratories and the environmental science industry. The EPA is also actively engaged in a program of collaboration between its scientists and the f ederal, state governments as well as other institutions to develop new sensor and application (App) technologies for the measurement of air quality. In any case, EPA has yet to approve or endorse any devices or the asso ciated technologies for regulatory purposes. The current methodology of measuring pollution in which equipment are installed in fixed locations or specialized mobile vehicles is expensive (Devarakonda, Sevusu, Liu, Liu, Iftode Nath (2013). This is because traditionally the measurement of air pollution requires the use of sophisticated stationary equipment installed all around the country. So only a relatively small number of federal, state, and local agencies can afford such high quality data. One obvious disadvantage of this method of data acquisition is that only a relatively small amount of data is available for the assessment of health and exposure risks. Since this is a rather coarse-grained system where pollution measurements and data availability are not only far apart but also expensive and sometimes counter-productive it becomes necessary for an expanded program

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Symptoms And Treatment Of Cancer Diseases Essay - 2194 Words

Essay contents The spontaneously exposure of a stable cellular to the external or intrinsic factors in body arises the cellular continually changes, called biomarkers (e.g. Cellular, molecular changes) , in a form of mutation where DNA sequence is modified or deleted or disrupted due to the presence of what is called a carcinogens (IARC, 2006; Li et al , 2014). This presence of physical, or biological, or chemical agents in cells, leads to neoplasm transformation of affected cell (Devi , 1982). The results of cell aberration or deviation of normal new cell growth or functionality lead to the permanent DNA disruption and accumulation effect of these cell abnormalities causes the cancer or tumor in affected cell (Zingg Jones , 1997). The carcinogens as the agents with an ability to cause cancer, has the potent to lead to different types of cancer diseases (e.g. breast cancer, central system cancer, skin cancer, colon and rectal cancer, etc.) (NCI, 1975-2000; IARC, 2006), it is due to chronic exposur e to toxin via food chain or medical utilization and with ability to damage the cells (Robert, 2012). The carcinogens as the mixture chemicals initiate and cause different of cancer diseases to a variety biological organism. The carcinogens are the xenobiotic introduced in the biological organ from different sources such as biological, chemical and physical sources, for example drugs, drug metabolites, environmental pollutants interact with DNA and change the normal cell growth inShow MoreRelatedThe Bare Bones Of Cancer1082 Words   |  5 PagesBare Bones of Cancer A silent killer of today is cancer; there are many different forms of cancer. 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First, the definition of cancer is uncontrolled division of cells cancerous cells in the body. Therefore, breast cancer is caused by uncontrolled growth of cancerous cells in the breasts. Breast cancer has been noted in history for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks first discovered the disease about 3,500 years ago (Mandal, 2013)Read MoreLambert Eaton Myasthenic Syn drome : An Autoimmune Disease1062 Words   |  5 Pagesas Eaton Lambert syndrome, is an autoimmune disease that is characterized by the onset of severe muscle weakness. The muscle weakness involved with Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS) typically occurs in the pelvis and thigh muscles. Approximately 60 percent of LEMS cases are associated with a small cell lung cancer (SCLC), and the onset of LEMS symptoms often precedes the detection of the cancer (Gozzard). Patients who have LEMS that also have cancer tend to have a history of smoking and areRead MoreLeukemia1235 Words   |  5 PagesLeukemia Description: Leukemia is a type of blood cancer that begins in the bone marrow. Types of leukemia- acute or chronic: Acute leukemia gets worse very fast and may make you feel sick right away. Chronic leukemia gets worse slowly and may not cause symptoms for years. And Lymphocytic or myelogenous: lymphocytic affects the white blood cells called lymphocytes and myelogenous affects the white blood cells called myelocytes. Sign and symptoms: fever/ night sweats, headaches, bruising/bleedingRead MoreLeukemia And Its Effects On Cancer Development971 Words   |  4 Pageshave a 58.5% chance of survival in the next 5 years (National Cancer Institute, 2015). Leukemia is a group of cancers that originate from bone marrow and create cancerous blood cells that overcrowd healthy blood cells within the bone marrow. (National Cancer Institute, 2014). Compared to other types of cancer, leukemia is considered to be relatively rare (National Cancer Institute, 2015). Despite this, leukemia is unlike other cancers due to the fact that there are over a dozen different types ofRead MoreColorectal Cancer : Disease Risk Factor Research Paper Essay1321 Words   |  6 PagesColorectal Cancer Disease Risk Factor Research Paper HLTH 435 Chronic diseases are becoming increasingly prevalent in the United States and around the world. Although preventable, chronic diseases can last anywhere from 3 months to a life time. Cancer is a chronic disease that is termed epidemic because the number of cases has increased highly over the years. Colorectal cancer, also known as colon cancer is one of the many cancers and it accounts for over 9% of all cancer incidents.

Electronic media free essay sample

?By the beginning of this 21st century, where the standard of education just keeps on rising and where man wants to touch the boundaries of this sky to that here I am shocked to see the high level indulgence of media in human life today. It is effecting the human minds with a pretty rapid speed and its influence is now so mixed up in our blood and veins that as human life seems to be at a loss or incomplete with out the favor of it. RELATED ARTICLES Regulating Social Media in the Workplace Impact Of Mass Media On Adolescent Health: the Dark Side Social Media Behavior Converging Around Product Evaluation and Referrals Impacts of Food Product Advertisements of Pakistan Television on the Eating Habits of Children It is no doubt a highly debatable topic whether the role and impacts of media is positive and constructive towards our society or it is a slow and gradual poisoning of minds polluting agents for our lives. As of 2005, there are reports of satellite receivers being present in some of the most remote and inaccessible regions of China. Electronic media devices have found their way into all parts of modern life. The term is relevant to  media ecology  for studying its impact compared to printed media and broadening the scope of understanding media beyond a simplistic aspect of media such as one delivery platform (e. g. the World Wide Web) aside from many other options.