Monday, December 30, 2019

Solar Energy in Kazakhstan Essay - 2286 Words

Introduction In 21st century almost all devices work with electricity. Electricity makes activity of people easier and more comfortable. Moreover, it plays a great role in development of medicine, science, education, transport and other spheres of human’s life. However, electricity production is becoming more and more problematic because the biggest part of energy for electricity is produced by natural resources, which are neither infinite nor renewable. It means that one day mineral reserves can run out, and, as a result, there will be risk of possible energy crisis. This situation stimulates humanity to transfer to renewable power system. Countries around the world are promoting sustainable energy policies, particularly to reduce†¦show more content†¦Moreover, there are almost 3000 hours of sunshine per year, while energy from solar radiation is 1500-1800 kW/m2/year (Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) 1997). Despite the very appropriate conditions for realizatio n of solar energy, this resource is little used. So, Kazakhstan should pay attention to the adoption of renewable energy-supply system to the daily life and make a compelling choice between photovoltaic technology of converting sunlight into usable form and concentrated solar thermal plants in an economically and environmentally advantageous way. Hence, this paper will evaluate to what extent is solar energy suitable and viable source of carbon-free energy for Kazakhstan. Also different types of technologies necessary to make the conversion of solar energy into electricity will be examined, particularly concentrated solar power will be considered as a possible solution to the existing situation and possible energy problems in Kazakhstan. Main Body Dependence on coal, oil and gas and other natural resources pose a threat to the future with air pollution, changes in climate and economic instability due to the fluctuations of fuel prices. Instead of wagering on unreliable fuel materials, people should learn how to use planet’s infinite sources of renewable energy effectively. Solar energy is recognized as the most promising alternative energy in the world. The popularity of sunlight energy is attributed with inexhaustibility ofShow MoreRelatedWe Needs Energy For A Successful Existence Essay1502 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction The humanity needs energy for a successful existence. However, the amount of fossil fuel is decreasing every day. Proved global reserves of oil and gas, at current rates of consumption, would be adequate to meet demand for another 40 and 60 years, respectively. Moreover, using of traditional sources of energy causes the greenhouse gases emission. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Readings of The Apology of Socrates and Crito Essay

The Readings of The Apology of Socrates and Crito Throughout the readings of The Apology of Socrates and Crito I have found that Socrates was not a normal philosopher. It is the philosophers intention to question everything, but Socrates approach was different then most other philosophers. From one side of the road, Socrates can be seen as an insensitive, arrogant man. He did indeed undermine the laws so they fit his ideals, leave his family, and disregard the peoples values. On the other side he can be seen as an ingenious man who questioned what many thought was the unquestionable. As he can be criticized for disregarding the manys ideals he can also be applauded for rising above the daily ways of popular thought. He†¦show more content†¦He knows that if he escaped, it would be a crime. I find it ironic that he would argue his trial, but not argue his punishment from the trial he argued. The bottom line with Socrates and laws is that he probably did not live by them very closely. It is my belief that Socrates was a good person with good morals. He probably saw laws for the weak minded, and he was certain he was not weak minded. The question of whether he would abide by these laws is that he would and he did. He died for them. A curious question to consider about Socrates is What is the value of family? To me, it seems like it is not his first priority. Socrates did indeed leave his family behind. Instead of sacrificing his mind and body to the city for his family, which is as common today as it was then, he sacrificed himself for himself. So who is nobler? The family man, who lives for the love of his family, or Socrates, who lived for himself. Many issues come to thought. One, was Socrates a family man? No, I think not. Two, did he die for his pride or to follow the laws? Cant answer that one, but it seems to be his pride based on him living by his own laws. It may not be this blunt, but I feel like Socrates did not care for his family much. Socrates was not a politically po werful man nor did he die for some great cause that change the way things were. He died for pride. I think Socrates viewed everyone with a mind as their own individual,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Socrates Fight for Justice1101 Words   |  5 Pagesworks Apology and Crito there is an attempt by Socrates to defend himself in court and defend his choice to receive the death penalty when found guilty. Although he makes very valid and strong arguments throughout one can only wonder why such a wise person would choose death over life. The following essay will analyze three quotes from Apology and Crito, find the correlation between them, and reveal any flaws that may exsist inside these arguments made by Socrates. In Plato’s Apology Socrates explainsRead MoreApology V. Crito1036 Words   |  5 PagesWhen reading the Apology one gets a feel for disobeying the law when the law stands in between of what one believes and what the law states. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Recruitment process and Cycle Free Essays

People’s Leasing and Finance PLY was founded in 1995, in the past 14 ears the company has built an extraordinary tradition of excellence in all spheres of leasing. The Company’s customers range from individuals to Seems to blue chip companies of the country. Marketing Executive Selection and Recruitment Process Steps in the Selection Process Review of applications Preliminary interview The purpose of this interview is to analyze the applicants. We will write a custom essay sample on Recruitment process and Cycle or any similar topic only for you Order Now Selection test A selection test is usually used to assess an applicant’s qualifications and potential Subsequent interview The final interview is done at the 2nd of the final interview. Medical examination and Personal reference check Before the job offer is made, the candidate is required to undergo a physical fitness test. The selection decision The final decision has to be made from the pool of individuals who pass the tests, interviews and references checks. Calling Applications Calling for applications by publishing vacancies on newspapers and Ply’s website. In the advertisement job description, qualifications required, closing date and etc. Are clearly mentioned. Applicant is given the option to send the C.V. by post or via an email. When a vacancy arises the applications accumulated in their database those left by the candidates who have applied online by visiting the company website also considered. After the closing date of applications, those applications are being reviewed and sorted by the HER personnel who handle it. Examination Shortlist candidates are being called for an examination. IQ knowledge and English language proficiency of the candidates are tested at the examination. Candidates those who scored above the pass mark mentioned in their policy are being called for the second stage of the recruitment process. Interview Second stage of the process is an interview. This preliminary interview is conducted by the head Of the department (ROD) for which the candidate is going to be assigned I. E. Marketing Department according to this study along with the head of HER Department. Candidates those who get shortlist from preliminary interview are called for the second or final interview. Panel of the final interview consists of CEO of the company, Head of Marketing and Head Recruitment Anal interview board decides whom they are going to recruit. Before informing the candidate accuracy of the information provided by him is verified by calling the references supplied by him. After gaining additional insights the candidate is being informed over the phone and sends a letter stating the date that he should join and the documents he needs to furnish before the date of appointment in order for the company to process the letter of appointment. Candidates those who are employed given a one month notice period to resign from current employment. The candidate needs to provide a police report and the CRIB report as soon as possible. Normally within one week from informing the result of the final interview. After receiving those two documents HER department process the letter of appointment and get it signed from the CEO and informs the candidate to sign the letter after reading all the terms and conditions on a date prior to his appointment date. On the date of appointment the candidate needs to bring copies of all educational, professional, and sports certificates along with the originals for HER personnel to attest and attach those copies in the personnel file of the employee. Training Cycle Two weeks induction program is conducted to give an overall understanding for the new employee about the company, its operations and its culture. Processes of all the departments of the company are explained irrespective of the department for which the new employee being recruited. The person who has been recruited as a marketing executive is aware of other functions of the company which is more helpful in performing day to day activities and moving with other employees of the company. After the induction program HER department schedules department vise in-house training programs once in every six months’ time. 1 . Training Need Analysis The nature of the training programmer is decided by the Head of Marketing Department and top management by analyzing the current trends of the industry and considering the areas which they have identified as need to be improved by observing the day to day operations. . Plan and Design Training Programmer After identifying the training needs, the objectives are set on which the trainer can design the content of the programmer. Participants of the training session are decided by the HOOD. The practice of the company is to conduct training programs for employees of same grade which is more convenient since all the participa nts are with similar levels of knowledge. Therefore, the trainer can decide the content and the effort he has to put to achieve the set objectives. The decision whether to use an internal trainer or an external trainer is decided by the HOOD by considering the comprehensiveness of the training that they have planned to conduct. Marketing department head and the HER department head decide the resource person who is going to conduct the training session. Employees who are going to participate for the training are being informed by the HER department by sending emails. Venue, seating arrangements, and food and beverages are arranged by the HER Department. Methods of Training structure method, on the job training and role plays are the most popular methods used in training programmer conducted for Marketing Executives. Lecture method is used to keep the participants informed about the current trends and practices of the industry, the role they play as a marketing executive and what is expected from them by the company and the customer. As a part of on the job training the marketing executives learn the process needs to be followed to get a facility file of a customer approved and the documents need to be furnished for the purpose. Role plays are being used n training sessions to teach the participants how to deal with different customers who respond differently in a given scenario, which is very important for a marketing executive who deals directly with the customer. 3. Conduct the Training Programmer Head of marketing department and the HER staff who coordinate the training session take measures to conduct the training programmer according to the schedule without any deviation and disturbances. Once a year an outside training is being conducted for marketing executives. For the training session a professional of the industry is selected as the resource person. Training Evaluation On the final day of the training session feedback is obtained from the participants by providing a questionnaire with multiple choice and open ended questions. In that the participants are given the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program and the resource person and provide the suggestions for improvement. Feedbacks obtained are being analyzed after each and every training session and incorporated the constructive suggestions in new training programmer. Suggestions for Improvement In the recruitment process of PLY there is no requirement for the candidate o undergo a medical test. How to cite Recruitment process and Cycle, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

IT in Healthcare

Questions: You are to research a real life business example of your choice and the impact of IT on that business. Important points 1) Does business need IT? 2) Why IT is important for business survival? 3) What is required to apply IT into business? (Cost, planning, designing, equipment, installation, training, etc) 4) How does business use IT? (internally such as staff, employees, and externally such as customers, suppliers) 5) What benefits and advantages does IT bring to business? (Revenue, flexibility, reduces cost, etc.) 6) What type of risk does IT bring to business? (security, privacy, confidentiality) 7) How can business maintain and monitor IT? Your report will be assessed on the quality of your research and report presentation. Discussion must be relevant to your chosen business. Your report is to be in the style of a business report. There is a limit of ten pages excluding appendices. Answer: Introduction: IT capabilities in the healthcare sector are more than a necessity now with its application in the healthcare industry is of utmost importance in reducing costs, better infrastructure, monitoring of data and keeping patient records. The risks of using IT resources apply and therefore extra security measures are adopted. Therefore, proper selection of network service is required which can serve the essential features in a medical environment while providing tools for administration. 1. Requirement of IT in healthcare: With advancements in the healthcare sector, IT capabilities are required to improve the services, quality, efficiency and knowledge of the latest medicines. IT can re-engineer the health care system for advancements in educational, cultural, social, financial and technological aspects. Generating solutions to healthcare problems remotely, documenting expenses and resource evaluation for the adoption of IT and adopting IT solution in other healthcare sectors (Kellermann and Jones 2013). IT has already helped for American body AHRQ agency in emergency preparedness of hospitals and other healthcare systems to curb bioterrorism and public health events (Ortiz and Clancy 2003). 2. Importance of IT for Business Survival Implementation of IT services is important for any medical business to survive to maintain high customer satisfaction and faster medical operation. Research is ongoing as to implement IT for improvement in clinical decision-making, expenses, information and communication management and accessibility to healthcare. 3. Requirements of Application for IT in Business Costs: Implementation of RFID requires US$9 to 25 million for the purchase of software, hardware, staffs and consulting services. Hence, for a project to be successful, cost estimation is needed after understanding the scale of the project before implementation. Planning: Scheduling of time is necessary for the implementation of any project successfully. It helps in chalking up a structured and a detailed plan in steps and assist in securing and efficient utilization of resources, monitoring and controlling of the project. Development and Design: For development, design, maintenance of IT systems in healthcare sector HIT or Health Information Technology is developed. It is an automated information system able to reduce costs and human error, increase efficiency while providing better healthcare service to the consumers. Installation: Unusual problems arise during installation and hence, the business that depends on this new product is identified and segregated early on. The system will need access to the online network and therefore installed skilfully so that no significant troubleshooting is required later on and complement creation of new framework policies in future. Training: Training is essential before implementation of any IT products to avoid mishaps, failure, and future troubleshooting can be kept to a minimum. At AHRQ, staffs and employees are trained on the operations of using RFID and HPMS. 4. Use of IT in AHRQ 4.1 Internal Use Staff: Existing staffs are trained on technical operations in training sessions the instructor will host. It is the duty of the instructor to create an environment where the staffs feel free to voice their opinions and difficulties because they may not be proficient in using electronic devices and therefore they will need assistance. Employees: Existing medical employees are taught the operations of RFID and how can it bring effective solutions in healthcare. Instructional manuals are provided for detailed and step-by-step information and how different modules work. Besides, on the job training is encouraged for efficient use of the system. 4.2 External Use Customers: Patient's medical records are shared with the patient and with his/her relatives at a later point in time when required, preventing loss of documents or searching through heaps of physical papers. The service is instantaneous and can be shared online. Suppliers: Suppliers track usage of clinical drugs and get a report of medicines, which are in demand; therefore, supplies made accordingly. It prevents over-storage and negligence of products. 5. Advantages of using IT in AHRQ Revenue Generation: By implementing IT services in health care, AHRQ became a $1.7 billion organization accounting for more than 10,000 employees, the inclusion of 1500 advanced practitioners and physicians. Flexibility: It enables archival of long-term monitoring data, detailed analysis for the planning of costs and network structure, efficient use of virtual environments and hardware, and in-depth analysis of data for pinpointing networking problems. This monitoring tool is constantly looking for the switches and servers at all times, requiring lesser human intervention (Miriovsky, Shulman and Abernethy 2012). For storage of medical images of patients to help healthcare professionals, PACS and VNAs have been developed. A hospital has to plan for the integration of PACS with other internal health IT systems if it wants to implement PACS in radiology department (Deokule et al. 2016). Reduce Cost: Installation of PRTG; a network monitor helped in reducing costs by the purchase of required hardware, detection of issues beforehand and response signs leading to avoidance of emergencies and fewer downtimes. Customer Satisfaction: After implementation of HPMS in AHRQ, the satisfaction of involved employees taken into account, along with their productivity level, and overall improvement in the safety of patients. Similar improvement of performance observed after installation of RFID, which resulted in increased interactivity between doctors and patients, cost reduction and overall management of drugs. 6. Risk of using IT in AHRQ Security: As stated by Magrabi et al. (2013), the organization has developed health device mobility, upgraded the IT related programs and added another stage to EHR for better compliance and security. Privacy Risk: Privacy is of concern for the patients and customers since health websites frequently disclose data of patients and accounts for the second highest data breach. To prevent threats to health safety and information, HIPAA has proposed new regulations at federal and state levels. Confidentiality: Patient records are private and confidential, and it is the responsibility of the organization to protect it at all costs. Leaking to the public can bring drastic consequences 7. Aspects of Maintaining and Monitoring IT in Business To maintain IT, the organization has to implement PRTG Network Monitor. As stated by Aminian and Naji (2013), PRTG Network Monitor, a product developed by Paessler, is a modern network monitoring system and covers all healthcare related services. It has got high scalability which can scale well to any size of networks, from small offices to large fortune companies (refer Appendix 1). Its functions are to capture and analyze the bandwidth, utilize network at its maximum capacity, thereby, allowing other organizations to monitor optimization issues in the network, throttling, and high usage so that bandwidth can be adequately optimized for server workloads ( 2016). As per Besson, Von Czettriz and Bax (2014), monitoring, the healthcare framework modern network technologies implemented in new hospitals, laboratories, medical device producers and healthcare agencies in the form of Tracking Assets, Monitoring of patients, Messaging and Communication, and digital medical records of patients. Conclusion IT services are not limited today and has lent its usability to medical and healthcare services and created newer job profiles, which requires both IT and healthcare skills into one. It has its advantages in the form of electronic data storing of patients and sharing, monitoring of services but it also poses risks in the shape of data breaching if propers steps are not taken. PTRG Network Monitor is the best choice for this program providing fair pricing, inclusive of all features used worldwide. References: Aminian, M. and Naji, H.R., 2013. A hospital healthcare monitoring system using wireless sensor networks.J. Health Med. Inform,4, p.121. Besson, M., Von Czettriz, G. and Bax, R., Body Science Llc, 2014.Wireless medical diagnosis and monitoring equipment. U.S. Patent 8,771,184. Deokule, K., Modi, P., Mistry, D., Patki, H., Patel, A. and Abuzaghleh, O., 2016. Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis. Kellermann, A.L. and Jones, S.S., 2013. What it will take to achieve the as-yet-unfulfilled promises of health information technology.Health Affairs,32(1), pp.63-68. Magrabi, F., Aarts, J., Nohr, C., Baker, M., Harrison, S., Pelayo, S., Talmon, J., Sittig, D.F. and Coiera, E., 2013. A comparative review of patient safety initiatives for national health information technology.International journal of medical informatics,82(5), pp.e139-e148. Miriovsky, B.J., Shulman, L.N. and Abernethy, A.P., 2012. Importance of health information technology, electronic health records, and continuously aggregating data to comparative effectiveness research and learning health care.Journal of Clinical Oncology,30(34), pp.4243-4248

Thursday, November 28, 2019

5 Types of Conditionals

5 Types of Conditionals 5 Types of Conditionals 5 Types of Conditionals By Mark Nichol When crafting â€Å"If (this), then (that)† statements, note that several varieties exist, distinguished by tense and probability. This post describes, with examples, various types of conditional statements. â€Å"Zero conditional† pertains to things that occur in the natural course of events: â€Å"If a person stands out in the rain, he or she gets wet.† Both the main clause (â€Å"he or she gets wet†) and the subordinate clause â€Å"if a person stands out in the rain†) are written in the present simple tense. The first conditional is a form of sentences in which the first clause includes if and a present simple-statement, followed by a future-simple statement in the second clause. By comparison, a second conditional follows the past simple with would and the infinitive. The distinction is that first conditionals are likely but not certain to happen, as in â€Å"If I talk to him, I will remind him,† while a second conditional describes something unlikely to occur, as in â€Å"If he showed some initiative, he would get a raise,† or something that is impossible, as in â€Å"If I could go back in time, I would do things differently.† A third conditional, by contrast, uses the past perfect and the past participle to describe something that did not occur in the past and therefore will never happen (at least, that iteration of the occurrence will never happen, although a repeat attempt might succeed), as in â€Å"If she had remembered to set her alarm, she would have gotten to school on time.† Beware of writing conditional sentences in which an if statement posed in the present-simple tense is followed by a statement that is true regardless of the conditional established in the previous clause, as in â€Å"If you want to get a great burrito, my favorite taqueria is next to the movie theater downtown.† The writer’s favorite taqueria is in the stated location regardless of the desires of the recipient of the communication, so the conditional form is not appropriate here; it would be better to write, â€Å"If you want to get a great burrito, go to my favorite taqueria, next to the movie theater downtown.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:25 Subordinating ConjunctionsThe Four Sounds of the Spelling OUParataxis and Hypotaxis

Monday, November 25, 2019

Edward Scissorhands essays

Edward Scissorhands essays In the film E.S symbollism lets people view E.S on a deeper level and helps them understand the message of the movie more clearly . It is symbolism that makes the film E.S so interesting .A number of symbols remain through out the whole movie . Hands are used to show the difference between E.S and people , colour is used to show the difference between good and evil and the most important symbol is Snow which is used to show the love between E.S and Kim . The symbolism of Love is seen easily by anyone who may watchs this film. Hands are a very immportant symbol in the move . It is the symbol of acceptance and the difference between E.S and people . Hands were used at the very beging of the movie even in the credits. Which made it obvious who was good and who was bad . Hands played a very immpotant role in the movie E.S.Peg used her hands as communication , Joyce were used in such away it made her look evil and powerful. Hands also take a very big part in every day activities such as eating ,communicating and even love. E.S could not touch any one with his scissor hands because he hurt them. People did not want to accept E.S because he was different to them .Which lead to E.S being called a cripple and freak Just because he was different to everyone .E.S was accepted by the black police officer because he knew what it was like for people that were different and how some people can be very nasty because to people that are different. Black , red ,white and pastal colours were used as symbols .Black is normally seen as the symbol for a bad person but in E.S case it is the oposite.White is used as peacefulness and love. White was a very important colour because it was the symbol of E.S love for kim . E.S could not touch Kimbecause every time he did he cut her or hurt her in someway so he used white snow show his love for Kim. Red was used to symbolis evilness and symbolic of the divil and satin.At christmas every one was ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Critical Analysis - Essay Example As a result, various nations within the island are selling citizenships in order to finance resort projects. For example in St. Kitts, Christophe harbour, have teamed up with the government where they are going to provide citizenship to qualified applicants. One of the qualifications is to invest at least $400,000 in a project known as Christophe Harbour Development. This has extended from St. Kitts to Antigua and Grenada. These infusions are meant to increase tourist attractions and on the other hand the investors to get Caribbean passports. The main purpose of this article, as described above, is to analyse and present the average view of the issue of Caribbean nations on investing using citizenship. The author’s main arguments are his analysis and are based on the positive view. However, on this whole issue, this is one unorthodox way of financing resorts and villas. As a result, the Caribbean vacation home is experiencing an irrational recovery; there is new construction everywhere this is especially in the smaller nations disdained by the conservative lenders. Although this citizenship by investment seems to be a good move for the economy of the countries, there are some factors that they have not considered. For example, they are devaluing the citizenship of these countries. These nations are at the risk of vetting their applicants with lax, which in turn will make other countries place even greater laws and restrictions to all the travellers in Caribbean’s passports. Although the author has used some comments given by people in government, the paper is biased and limited to the people in power. He does not give the common man a chance to express his view on the matter. As a result, he is not entirely able to be objective in writing his view on the article. Hudson, Kris., Caribbean Exchange: Invest In property and Get Citizenship. Wall Street Article. Wall Street Journal. (2014)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Summarize and response (Corporate Economists Are Hot Again) Essay

Summarize and response (Corporate Economists Are Hot Again) - Essay Example This is because the economy of the country at time the year is always verge and anything could hit. According to a report issued by the department of labor economics, where a lot of data is available in the market, it makes it harder to predict future occurrences (Tita, 2014). Even when programmers have all the data that is needed, it requires someone with an economic background to analyze the information. When the economy of the US stabilized in the 1970’s, most firms dropped their in-house economists. They argued that they could get any GDP forecast from any person. The primary role of economists in a firm is to digest data and information provided and come up into conclusions. The analysis helps firms to determine the number of opportunities as well as risks in the business world. Economics background is essential in order to achieve this. They also serve as gatekeepers in firms to ensure that forecasts are made from a similar set of data. This aims at ensuring uniformity of the statistics provided and accuracy of the information given to all stakeholders involved. This is important in making financial decisions even in the future. Their knowledge and expertise are crucial in measuring business risks. They also offer consultancy services for new firms entering the market or even to existing ones. This may sometimes involve large business acquisitions. In such cases, market research on various key segments enables the economists to forecast on the future. However, like anyone one else in the business world, economists are prone to missing the mark. For instance, they forecasted that the economy in Asia will increase to 6.5%. Rather, this was not the case as it only rose to 3.5%. This was caused by China’s economy which grew slightly that expected. However, it is more difficult to make forecasts in the developing countries especially in Africa. This is because it is always difficult to quantify the level of demand at

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Correlation between Psycho-Reactive Drugs and Music Culture in the Research Paper

The Correlation between Psycho-Reactive Drugs and Music Culture in the 1960s - Research Paper Example These musical styles and cultural trance dances comprise the far eastern religious groups’ mantra chanting, those of the spinning dervishes of Turkey, as well as Morocco’s joujouka players (Landry & Landry 92). This paper delves into the correlation between psycho-reactive drugs and music culture in the 1960s. Introduction Psychoactive drugs refer to substances that have an impact on somebody’s mood, thinking, perception as well as feeling. These drugs activate the brain’s pleasure centers thus increasing the potential of engaging in drug abuse continually. People have always ingested psychoactive drug (Goode 1). The 1960s are however notorious for the celebration of abuse of these drugs, especially among the young people. Moreover, the growth of the music scene of this period was interconnected to the augmented use of hallucinogens as well as marijuana by the culture of the youths. A study conducted on the same revealed that in the year 1962, only twenty- five thousand Americans had even tried using LSD. However, after a period of only four years (towards the end of the year 1965), this number had increased to approximately four million users. Three quarters of the users were college or high school age students (Shapiro 139). In 1960s, there was the emergence of a spirited subculture of drugs, with some social groups viewing the use of drugs positively, assessing persons on the basis of whether they made use of illegal drugs, and believing that ‘turning on’ an individual who was not a drug abuser was a virtue. This subculture became a strong force in engaging young people into the habit of abusing illegal psychoactive substances. Drug abuse had never before gotten to such a great number of youths. (Lyman & Potter 51). As a way of rebellion and a means asserting insubordination of community norms, young people in America used drugs. In the year 1964, those who opposed mainstream ideals and American culture made San Franci sco’s Haight-Ashbury district their meeting place, rock music being the basis for this counter-cultural stance. Following his encounter of a world of love and peace during a psilocybin mushroom trip, Allen Ginsberg, a beatnik poet, made up the term ‘flower power’ to cover this thought. Soon, the term came to be a symbol of 1960s counter-culture all together (Brewer 25). LSD became increasingly readily available as years went on. In the mid 1960s, Owsley Stanley (commonly known as the ‘king of acid’) became top-grade acid’s key vendor, and built very close bonds with the world of music (Shapiro 134-137 & Wong 3). The greatest number of the musicians heavily used heroin, and some were even dealers of this drug. Moreover, marijuana played a great role in their music as well as in their daily lives. The 1960s also saw a shift in drugs of choice in the drug scene of the Unites States of America. The use of such psychedelic substances as marijuana, heroin, methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and N-diethyltryptamine (DMT) became more popular in the 1960s and their popularity increased through the beginning of 1970s (Lyman & Potter 51). LSD users often acclaim the drug arguing that it helps them attain a heightened sensation of understanding of the world. They also believe that the drug is a stimulator of creativity. In users, many of the drug’s effects are evident through the kind music that they produce when they are high on the drug (Shapiro 137). Continuous chanting or drumbeats accompanies cultural

Friday, November 15, 2019

Social Networking Is Affecting Our Reputation

Social Networking Is Affecting Our Reputation Social Media plays a big role in our everyday lives. Although social media is an easier way to socialize with other people in which you can connect with distant relatives or friends who dont often see, many have become so obsessed with checking up on their Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and etc. constantly. Social media has become a huge distraction in our daily lives. Social media is made to let people express themselves but many people use it as a way to be someone they are not or even to hurt others. Social media is harmful to our society in which allows for others to access your information. Many have become so addicted to social media that they dont have time to be physically active in which causes them to become unhealthy. Kids are spending so much time on social media and less time on studying. Overall, social media is hurting our country causing more bullying, depression, laziness and more are becoming unhealthy. Social networking is affecting our reputation. People dont realize that there isnt any privacy on social networking websites. Many arent aware what they post is out to the public, even though you deleted it, it can be retrieved. Nowadays jobs and colleges check to see if you have social media, inappropriate photos or comments can hurt your self image. The internet today is making everything easier to be viewed. Social media today lets individuals put out anything and even everything about a person. The rights to ones privacy are abused and are not persuaded to withhold ones personal information. In the article Is Your Online Activity Hurting Your Chances of Getting Into College? by Linsey Davis, basically shows us that before colleges accept you by your overall average or SAT score they will also be willing to look to see if you have any social media. Rachel is beginning to apply to college and her first choice is Bentley University, she began to worry after a college tour guide warn ed her about social media. It states He basically warned us that the admissions counselors will also look at our Facebook and any social media that we have to try and get a better picture of what kind of person we really are, Rachel said. Before colleges or even a job accepting you the first thing they will do is to see if you have any social media so they can see what type of person you really are. In the article Skarlis states He took a look all the way back to when Rachel was in middle school and first started using social media.. which basically means college admissions will be looking not only what have you been doing recently on social media but also the past back when you have first register on social media websites. Even though you have everything the college requires one little thing like having social media can affect you from getting in. In the article Privacy Invasion: Social media monitoring required to attend college or to be hired? by Ms. Smith shows us that social me dia is affecting the person chances in getting in colleges or even getting hired for a job. It states According to a Microsoft survey about the negative effects of unwise social media posts, 14% of people surveyed lost out on the college they wanted, 16% lost out on getting a job and 21% were fired from a job. Some employers and colleges may insist you friend them on social media or worse they may insist on your password to Twitter, to Facebook, Google and other social media sites so they can see what you post, your photos, what you say in DMs, and what you chat about. If you post negative comment, or photos on social media it can affect your chances into what college you want to go to, can get you fired from your job and can also hold you from being hired. This shows us that colleges and even jobs are being stricter on social media, even asking for their password to invade their privacy, what you post, and your photos that you upload and even to see what you and your friends talk a bout. Whatever you put on the Internet will follow you around forever. Social networks are giving bullies an opportunity to attack individuals online by invading their privacy. Social media makes it easier to continue bullying somebody that is being bullied on at school. By posting bad thing about the person and uploading pictures of the person. Social network creates an open access towards exposing individuals personal information. Suicide is an effect that can be the result of any form of bullying. Students come home from school expecting to find a safe place away from all the threats and dangers around them. However, victims of cyber bullying have no escape. They go home and turn on their computers or laptops and are immediately greeted with the harsh reality. Cyber bullies target their victims through electronic media such as cell-phones, websites, web-cams, chat rooms, and email. A victim is no longer able to escape from their bullies by simply leaving their presence and seeking safety and quietness in their own homes. In the article Bullied to dea th: Amanda Todd didnt do anything online that most others of her generation havent done was about a fifteen year old teenager, Amada Todd who killed herself after being bullied. It states Amanda Todd made a mistake by exposing her breast on the Internet, the stranger who pressured Todd to expose herself online and who circulated a topless photo of her wasnt a fellow teen from her high school but a 32 year old man living in Vancouver. Amanda was pressured to do something she probably didnt want to, she exposed herself to a stranger who she didnt know. In the article Cyber-bullying, social media blamed after Florida teen commits suicide Jessica Laney, 16, hung herself on Sunday after being bullied on the website Her friends say cyber-bullying on the website is what pushed the troubled teen over the edge. Posts on Laneys page range from the innocent What class do you like the most? to the shockingly cruel Why are you so ugly? and Just kill yourself. Youre worthless. Peop le are using social media to bully others like Jessica Laney by letting her believe that she is worthless, ugly and she should go kill herself. Another story was a girl whose name is Hope Witsell. She was a 13-year-old who grew up in Florida. She forwarded a nude photo of herself to a boy she liked. Another girl borrowed the boys phone, found the image and forwarded it to other students. And so, the image found its way to a lot of other students in her school and in other schools. This then has resulted in teasing and bullying from her peers at Beth Shields Middle School, with insults such as whore and slut. When she returned to school, a counselor observed cuts on Hopes legs and had her sign a no-harm contract, in which Hope agreed to tell an adult if she felt inclined to hurt herself. The next day, Hope hanged herself in her bedroom. Many are being cyber bullied; children arent able to handle the situation, leading them to commit suicide. Some may disagree by saying that social media allows people to stay connected to family and friends, and have also been a great way for people to socialize and meet individuals. These sites are very useful, since students have the opportunity to interact with others by planning and working on school assignments. Many teachers are using social media sites to stay connected with their student once they have graduated and also to update their students on assignments, tests, grades and etc. A website elementary teachers use to interact with their student and coworkers is called Edmodo which allows students and teachers to create profiles, blogs, and gives students a place to go outside of class to contact teachers, keep current on assignments, projects, and quizzes. Social networking sites give people the chance of reconnecting with friends and family members that have not been in touch with for a long period of time, allowing them to strengthen and build good relationships. Also, social networking sites, offer free messaging, photo storage, and games among others. Social media makes it easy to connect with others. It is very helpful in long distance relationship, for example Facebook. The sites have certainly made it more convenient to get in touch with people with whom we have lost contact with. Several studies show that social networking sites have helped business, especially small businesses. They can be helpful in networking for employment purposes. In the article Benefits of using Social media for Business by Harsh Agrawal states Social media allows you to get personal with your customers and form a bond of trust with them. Replying to the concerns of your customers and by asking for their opinions, you can make your customers satisfied with what you have to offer and in this way you get more traffic, which promotes your business. The social media tools are free for use for everyone, and that is why by just working on your social media tools for a few minutes a day, you can get a lot of benefit from it and increase your sales and have better relations with your customers. Overall social media is helping businesses because social networking sites have the potential for advertising, marketing to targeted and segmented customers, and being able to reach out to users with big social networks for further business. Even though there are certain social benefits to these sites, by saying many need them to keep in touch with friends. However, the benefits do not outweigh the problems they cause. Social networking causes children and adults to be lazy and overweight, less productive at school and work. The first reason that social networking is bad for society is that it makes people lazy and overweight. Back in the days when people were bored, they would go outside to do something entertaining as in play in park, ride a bike, go jogging or hit the gym and exercise. Nowadays those who are bored go on their phones, go through others profile on Facebook or even write a status on Facebook stating Like my status for a rate, to be honest, truth is and etc. since they are bored. Many people just go on their phones and tweet about how bored they are or scroll through a friends new pictures and click the like button a few times. Doing these types of things dont help you in any way. In todays society obesit y rates are very high. In the article Causes of Childhood Obesity by Jeff Barnes states that Obesity in America is becoming a huge problem, especially in children. Statistics show that almost 60% of children in America are obese or overweight, and the number is still growing. Kids are become less active, instead of playing basketball, football or any other sports in the park, nowadays they prefer watching television or playing sports on video games, which causes to become unhealthy. Being able to shop online, socialize online, and play online interactive games without moving a muscle has created inactive lifestyles. Video games allow you to play your favorite sports without actually playing them physically. With more social networking sites being created, children are using them more. Once children get home one of the first things they do is log into their social media sites and begins to chat or text with friends. This is affecting their school work, because they arent spending eno ugh time doing homework or studying. Teens are become so addicted which causes them take up to 8 hours a day on social media. They are spending too much time on social media because they are chatting with their friends and searching for unnecessary people which prevent them from studying. This is lowering their grades. Students are spending time at night online and not sleeping enough. Without the sleep required by their body, they have a harder time paying attention in class or do not complete work. Another reason why social media is hurting our society is because a majority of employers search the Internet for information before hiring them. Inappropriate photos comments and what you like is hurting your reputation. When you delete information from Facebook, it does not disappear. Also social media decreases in face-to-face communication. In the article Social networking hurts the communication skills of college students by Megan Puglisi it states Students have become reticent and intimidated in the classroom to speak directly with me. Rather, they feel more comfortable sending me an e-mail from behind a computer screen, which is impersonal and does not contain context at all, Crowley said. Kids are becoming more comfortable sending emails to teachers if they have any questions regarding assignments or grades, rather than speaking face to face. In the article it states Students prefer to participate in brief e-mail exchanges when they should be pursuing real relationships. Avoiding personal interactions harms the competency of young professionals (Its difficult for students) to speak to respected professionals during interviews because they lack the necessary nonverbal behaviors, like eye contact. Feeling comfortable behind computer screen isnt good for you because you will have trouble communicating to others face to face, it will be hard for you to speak to others if youre constantly typing and not speaking verbally. People rather text someone or meet them online rather than communicate in person. We are losing the ability to communicate face to face. For these reasons, social networking is bad for society. Overall, social media is hurting our country in various ways causing more cyber bullying, lack of face to face communication, obesity, lack of privacy and etc. Although social media is an easier way to communicate with long distant friends or family members many have become addicted causing them to go on their profiles daily for maybe 8 hours and more. People are feeling more comfortable chatting behind the screen rather than talking to a person face to face which isnt good when comes to interviews. People arent aware that what they post online can no longer be removed and will stay with you forever. Colleges and jobs are looking at your social media websites to get a better view of who you really are, this may stop you from getting the college you want to. Think twice before uploading a photo, writing a post or liking something on social media because you never know who will be the one to view your profile. Cited Page Bullied to death: Amanda Todd didnt do anything online that most others of her generation havent done. Thats whats so disturbing. 29 October 2012, Web 14.Feb 2013 Agrawal, Harsh. Benefits of Using Social Media for Business. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. Davis Linsey, Sarah Netter and Alexander Ludka How to Use Social Media to Get Into College. ABC News. ABC News Network, 19 Oct. 2012. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. Kaye, Randi. How a Cell Phone Picture Led to Girls Suicide. CNN. Cable News Network, 07 Oct. 2010. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. Ms. Smith. Privacy Invasion: Social Media Monitoring Required to Attend College or to Be Hired? Network World. 07 Mar. 2012, Web. 14 Feb. 2013. Murray, Rheana. Cyber-bullying, Social Media Blamed after Florida Teen Commits Suicide. NY Daily News. 12 Dec. 2012. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. Puglisi, Megan. Social Networking Hurts the Communication Skills of College Students. 13 Oct. 2010. Web. 14 Feb. 2013.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Benin :: essays research papers

Benin, independent nation of W Africa, formerly called Dahomey. Once a French protectorate, it is a country of 40 ethnic tribal groups and a low-level economy.Land and EconomyLocated in the bulge on the S side of W Africa, Benin is bordered by Nigeria, Toga, Berkina Faso, and Niger, with 75 mi (121km) on the Gulf of Guinea. The coast is hot and humid, and there are two rainy and two dry seasons; average annual rainfall is 32in (813mm). Benin has three plateaus, one fertile, another of bare rocks, and a third with streams flowing to the Volta and Niger rivers and including the Atakora range. The E section is a plain. Subsistence agriculture is the economic base. Palm products and cotton account for half of export revenues.PeopleThe leading class in Benin is composed of male-line descendants of the Aja (Fons, or Dahomey) who had established the early kingdom. Trained for civil service by the French, they are the best educated; literacy is 25% among school-age children. In the N are the nomadic Fulani and the Somba tribe, hunters with no political organization; E are Baribas. 90% of the population is rural, and 65% practices animist religion. French is the common language.GovernmentBenin has been under military rule since 1970. The constitution of 1977 instituted a national assembly, whose members belong to the sole legal political party, the Benin People's Revolutionary Party.HistoryBenin's history dates back to three principalities-Allada, Porto-Novo, and Dahomey-in the S area who were being pushed by the N Kingdom of Abomey in the 16th century. Dahomey was the most aggressive, pushing N and selling slaves. In 1863 the king of Porto-Novo sought French protection. By 1892 France had subjugated all groups and made them protectorates as part of French West Africa. In 1960 the country became independent as Dahomey. The official name was changed to Benin in 1976. Economic and regional rivalries have caused numerous military coup d'‚tats and changes of government since 1960. The Marxist-Leninist military government in power since 1972, led by Brig. Gen. Mathieu Kerekou, relaxed its authority somewhat during the late 1970s and improved relations with France.